Spice properties that do not belong to the three fives.

Black Pepper

There are many types of pepper available in the market like black pepper, green pepper, white pepper. Pepper cultivation is more common in tropical countries like Sri Lanka and India.
In the past, the Greeks are said to have used peppercorns as currency.

Research has confirmed that pepper has many valuable medicinal properties. Both local and western researches have confirmed that pepper can be used as an anti-cancer agent, as a digestive aid, as a medicine to cure colds and coughs, to reduce body weight, to lighten the skin and to relieve depression. Pepper is also considered to be a powerful anti-bacterial and has anti-cancer properties. It is used in Ayurveda as an effective medicine for diseases related to the respiratory system and phlegm.


Sri Lanka is the largest producer of cinnamon in the world. Currently, Sri Lanka is the country that supplies most of the cinnamon to the world market. The two types of cinnamon that are popular in the world as commercial cinnamon are Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon.

Many Western countries including America and Canada have conducted research on cinnamon and in each case, various reports have been issued on the properties of cinnamon bark. The compounds in cinnamon are able to increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL), which is mainly in the blood cholesterol, and the polyphenol compound in cinnamon is able to increase the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood vessels. The research has also confirmed that it works to prevent deposition. In addition to this, research has shown that cinnamon can be used as an effective medicine to control diabetes. Certain compounds in cinnamon increase insulin activity and suppress insulin-inducing factors. It is for these reasons that many people in the West today are tempted to add cinnamon to their diet.

It should also be remembered that if such medicinal foods are eaten deliberately because they are good for certain diseases, they can cause damage to organs such as kidneys and liver. Therefore, you should be careful not to eat more than 2 grams of cinnamon per day.


A look at the Kisagotami story shows that mustard has been used since the time of the Buddha. Mustard which is cultivated in all parts of India is also found in some parts of Sri Lanka. The mustard seed, which is invisible to the eye, contains many nutrients such as carbohydrates, sugar, fat, proteins, sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

Mustard is used to flavor food as well as pickles. According to Ayurveda, it is advisable to eat food cooked with mustard oil to reduce obesity. Mustard oil has an important place in beauty. It has been mentioned in ancient Indian Ayurvedic texts that you can get smooth and glowing skin by applying mustard oil on the body. Not only mustard seeds but also mustard leaves are eaten.

Mustard is known as an appetite suppressant and an antidote to va and sema. Blood can also be used as a food for growth. But since mustard has a little heat property, it may not be so good for people suffering from heat diseases. Especially those with acid gastritis, gastric diseases, inflammation of the stomach, and kidney problems should take mustard very little while adding it to their food.

Cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, ginger

The above substances, which are used in various ways to flavor food, are full of medicinal properties. Cardamom stimulates appetite and cures urinary tract infections etc. Clove is known as a pain reliever. An effective remedy for toothache. Used in worm diseases. Nutmeg eliminates bad breath. Relieves skin diseases, worm diseases, inflammatory conditions. Ginger prevents bad breath and is used for gum and tooth diseases. It is used in diseases like dysentery and has the property of relieving phlegm.

The above spices are also widely used for betel nut. Especially since all of the above prevent bad breath, they may have been added to betel nut.

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